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Coming together for road safety: interview with Joshua Girard

Coming together for road safety: interview with Joshua Girard

A private-sector group called "Together for Safer Roads" wants to keep global roads accident-free. Joshua Girard of AB InBev explains how the corporate world is pitching in to do this.

Off the rails

Off the rails

The contract between UPS and the Teamsters calls for shifting part of Big Brown's traffic from intermodal to over-the-road. Is this a wake-up call for the railroads?


Freight rate spikes shaking up the C-suite

According to a panel of shipper executives at CSCMP's EDGE Conference, this year's trucking rate spike has some U.S. companies looking to private fleet, rail options.


UPS unveils plan to boost margins on B2C deliveries

Transformation' program to focus mostly on U.S.; company seeks more delivery consolidations to increase operating leverage.

A broker by any other name

A broker by any other name

Digitally focused startups believe there is much low-hanging fruit in traditional brokerage operations. But the fruit picking has taken an unexpected turn.


U.S. ports want tariff exemption on purchases of Chinese-built cranes

AAPA also seeks exemptions on other types of container-handling equipment.