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The Crisis in Talent Management

Corporate America is fighting a new war for talent with the same tactics used in the last war, and that is why the effort is not working. Here's what needs to change.


We are all millennials now. Or not.

We've all heard the rap about self-absorbed and entitled millennials. But don't kid yourself. All generations have expectations for entitlements.


Objects in mirror are closer than they appear

Though intended for drivers, the warning applies equally to business relationships. That is, what we think we see may not be a wholly accurate depiction of reality.


The King is dead. Long live the King!

No matter what your role in the supply chain, sooner or later you're going to have to make tough calls about recruiting, hiring, or promoting your successor.


How to win funding (and influence people)

How is that sales and marketing can pry money from top management for almost any hare-brained scheme, while supply chain managers scratch and claw for scraps? It's all about the fine art of persuasion.


News from Mount Sinai

In uncertain times, we can all use some guideposts to tell us how far we've come and how far we've yet to go. Here's our current take on the Ten Commandments for supply chain management success.


Weak links, strong links: Who is taking over the supply chain?

There have been rumblings that the procurement function is "taking over" supply chain management. That kind of thinking is shaky on its best day and destructive in the long run. Here's why.


What's worse than a triple witching hour?

Challenges ranging from labor shortages to fuel price volatility could create kinks in global supply chains in the coming year. And these are just the threats we're aware of.