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paradise postponed

paradise postponed

In the beginning, Web-based logistics exchanges were going to transform the industry. But four years later, we're still waiting. Paradise may not be lost, but it's definitely postponed.

acting out

acting out

Revamping warehouse operations won't seem half as risky if you try it with imaginary staff picking tiny items from hypothetical racking on a theoretical work schedule. Think The Sims meet the DC.

get an agent

get an agent

Sure you have plenty of brainpower. But when it comes to complex logistics or warehousing decisions, an intelligent software "agent" may be able to make the call better, faster or more cost effectively than you can.

why they can't all get along

why they can't all get along

Life would be simple if all computer systems could talk to one another. But the problem's not code. It's budgets, staffing and even corporate culture.

British (and Dutch, German, and Swiss) invasion

British (and Dutch, German, and Swiss) invasion

They're once again crossing the Atlantic in search of an international audience. But this time the invaders aren't rock and rollers but 3PLs.

going mobile

going mobile

Data bits swirl through the air in DCs across the country, moving vital information without a cable or cord in sight. So why have companies been so slow to take wireless on the road?

the tags that knew too much

the tags that knew too much

Sophisticated technology makes it possible to track a product's exact whereabouts through the entire supply process and beyond. But the story it reveals might be more than you want to or ought to know.

too much information?

too much information?

There's a dizzying array of ADC devices out there, each capable of delivering torrents of information. The challenge is to pluck just enough data from the chaos to help things run smoothly.