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If you build it, will they come?

One of the biggest tasks the (HR) department performs is that of human resource planning—the process of creating a logistics staffing plan.


Survival strategies for logistics professionals

Worried about surviving the recession with your career intact? Here are some tips for holding onto your job (or finding a new one).


temporary help for the executive suite

Need short-term management help? Right now, you can have your pick of highly qualified professionals who are looking for something to tide them over until the job market picks up.


how to deal with survivor's guilt

With wave upon wave of layoffs hitting the workforce each week, these are brutal times on the employment front.


how to build a flexible workforce

Rather than laying off workers and rehiring when business picks up, some companies have concluded there's a better approach.


look before you leave: tips to ensure a successful succession

If you are in mid-career or later, the next generation of managers is right behind you. And now it's your turn to identify the talented up-and-comers on your staff who can support you now and step into your shoes when the time comes.


all aboard?

Once you've decided on a software and hardware upgrade, you have to get your staff ready for the change.


when playground bullies come to work

Workplace bullies are just grownup versions of the playground bully people who use their social or political power to subject their victims to psychological abuse.