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Creating a sustainability roadmap for the apparel industry: interview with Michael Sadowski

From energy to water to raw materials, manufacturing the world’s clothing requires considerable resources. Now the industry is moving toward making apparel production more efficient and sustainable—and Michael Sadowski has been chronicling its progress.


In Person interview: Nick Gentile of Savety Yellow Products

In our continuing series of discussions with top supply-chain company executives, Nick Gentile talks about the importance of emphasizing safety and training within industrial facilities.


Manufacturing bounces back

Could we be entering another golden age of manufacturing?


Fuelish thinking

We don’t have the capability to make a full-scale transition to electric fleets—at least not yet.


InPerson interview: Michael Larsson of Dematic

In our continuing series of discussions with top supply-chain company executives, Michael Larsson discusses robotics, how artificial intelligence is affecting automation design, and the rise of flexible fulfillment.


In Person: Drew Wilkerson of RXO

In our continuing series of discussions with top supply-chain company executives, Drew Wilkerson discusses the challenges of last-mile deliveries, the use of artificial intelligence in brokerages, and the impacts of nearshoring.


Let’s un-park legislation for safe truck parking

All workers should be able to feel they can do their jobs safely. Truckers are no exception.


Back on track

New federal regulations that require trains to have at least two crew members will improve safety and end confusion on the rails.