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Embracing leadership

It's not just for those in the C-suite. Each and every one of us can benefit from learning and applying leadership behaviors in our work lives and in life in general.


Rumblings in the DC: The cost of runaway minimum wages

We can dither about raising the minimum wage all we want. But the laws of supply and demand will have a far bigger effect on pay than anything we decide.


Fun and games in the supply chain

Everyone knows our work is deadly serious, with enterprise survival hanging in the balance. That's precisely why we need to step back and look for the humor in our workaday world.


Infrared infrastructure

We have a plate overflowing with infrastructure challenges. And it's not just our physical and technology infrastructure that needs attention.


Optics: It's all in how you look at it

Though it runs counter to most supply chain professionals' nature, there's merit in letting the world know how good you are—that you and your team deliver the goods, anticipate challenges, and head off problems in the making. But it's important not to overdo it.


Me talk pretty one day

We may aspire to eloquence, but on the job, it's more important to be clear, complete, and convincing in our communications.


Journey to the center of the earth

We stand at the precipice of a gap of our own collective making, a gap that deepens and widens with every failure to address the root causes of our talent shortfall.


The changing face of leadership

We are slowly but surely accepting that one does not one day decide to become a leader. Rather, other people—staff, peers, or colleagues—choose to become followers.